Monday, December 29, 2008

The Royal Mint

As the world faces financial ruin I, as Supreme Ruler, I have ordered the production of my very own coins to save the world economy.

The process is not very fast (possibly due to my only employing two small tigers) but I demand high standards and supervise every step of the production.Finally my waiting is rewarded with the presentation of the first two official coins of my realm.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mmm... I will have a fishy in a little dishy...

Over the last year it has become apparent that I love all things fishy. First things first I must choose from the menu what I fancy.

Do I want a fish supper?

Or a prawn sandwich?

What about a seal steak?

A starfish sundae?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hitching a Ride

As many of you know I feel little need to walk, that is what the masses must do. I am above such mundane transport instead I am driven or ride to all venues.
I have three servants who are willing to ferry me to any location I desire.
Should they fail me I will ride my royal steed swiftly across the landing to the nearest chocolate source.

Christmas Games

I had lots of fun on Christmas Day (not to mention plenty of yummy food).

My Beharie minions got a pile of lego so I helped them construct their kits (they'd never have managed without my help). Kateri said I should do something more useful like help make dinner but my minions needed me - besides I shouldn't have to make my own food.

Then after all the excitement I ran a quiz for Mohan and Mohinder. I am a excellent quiz master (even better
than Stephen Fry) because I know so much. Of course that can be a problem since being a genius makes it very hard not make others feel foolish and little but I try very hard to make them feel equal. Well as equal as you can be to a supreme being such as myself.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Food

Ah, Christmas is all about the food on our Orkney trip.
We started with our traditional cinnamon buns (Dumbledore tried to keep them all to himself) at about 9:30.

Then we prepared the Salmon Moose and Deep Fried Cheese. I even helped to prepare the cheese (Grimbister, coated in a double layer of bread crumbs and served with Christmas Chutney).We ate this starter at about 12:30.

The main meal was served at 4ish - Tom's folks are from England so they have a big meal far earlier than my family who'd eat about 6.
The meal included Granny Elliot's stuffing (a Whalley family tradition).

Then about 6pm pudding was served.
Kathryn had made profiteroles which proved to be very popular with a certain Polar Bear. Also on offer was Owen's Tiramisu, though this was not suitable for younger family members!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Present from D'Alby girls

Loyal subjects,
As you know I expect tribute from all of my subjects and the D'Alby girls did not let me down.
My exciting present...
Getting help from loyal servants to open it... (sometimes you do need an opposable thumb)
Look at all my precious gold coins! Not to mention the handmade royal stocking they also provided. It really was fit for the King.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas too,
Your benevolent overlord,

Christmas Morning

Visions of Sugar Plums dance through my head...
When I awoke it was clear that Santa had been...
Though I was not the only one to get a visit from old St. Nick...
Santa knows me so well, he gave me this magnificent crown...
and a pile of gold coins...
Mohan got some crushed spiders and Mohinder some dried Buzzy Bees what more could we ask for?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

According to Kermit the Frog one of the most pleasant of all activities is getting ready for Christmas. Dumble and the tigers certainly got in on the act. While Mohan and Mohinder decorated a little tree, Dumbledore made a gingerbread house.

It's the same gingerbread house kit the D'Alby's used.
Dumble felt that he'd missed out since we'd ran out of time when to to it with them so he insisted we buy one to bring north!

He let me, Magnus and Kathryn help but he insisted that I add that any dodgy bits were done by us. His bits all worked out wonderfully.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Visit to Santa

Loyal Subjects,

I went to visit the one and only Santa (he visited Stirling just so we could meet up). I took the D'Alby's with me (mostly for warmth it was freezing!). I asked for chocolate and World Domination. Lottie asked for a game but Lexie forgot what she wanted though she had mentioned chocolate coins previously so I told Santa to give her that (after all who wouldn't want that?).

Till next time,

The Real Deal

Santa was in Stirling for one day only(Okay, mummy had time to take them on one day only). We just HAD to go see him. Minnie was doubtful that he was the real Santa and the instant she sat on his knee had a good ole tug on the beard to check. Yup, definately the real Santa. I can't believe she was so doubtful- check out the beard, the cheery smile and old man glasses. That is Santa. Plus his belt buckle was very Christmassy.
Lottie and Lexie weren't too fussed about what they wanted for Christmas but told Santa ooh, six or seven times, Dumbledore wants Chocolate.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

King Dumbledore's Royal Tour

Dumbledore came for a royal visit to the D'Alby family this week. We were taking him to visit a part of his kingdom- the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. He spent time admiring the view:
His minions carried him wherever he desired to go- even allowing him to snuggle in for extra warmth in the cold climate. Even a polar bear gets cold from time to time.

Dumbledore selected the royal tree which was then carried home to be decorated for him.
Dumbledore decided that he needed a more sedate form of transport and his loyal servant Christopher carried him home.

Once he returned to the royal lodging house he took up residence upon his royal stool in front of the fire to deliver new royal proclamations.
Please remember that all tributes to King Dumbledore are due by Christmas day and should be paid in Chocolate. All forms of Chocolate are acceptable but preference is for gold coins.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Birthday Fun

Well I turned 21 again on the 9th. Dumbledore was their helping me along. Tom made a great Polar bear cake (I think it's the first time Tom's ever given me a birthday cake let alone baked one!). It was a recipe from the Christmas ASDA magazine. Clair was their to witness and has added a bit to her blog.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to You

Today is a big birthday day, it is the birthday of both my little brother Kris and my friend Kateri (who has reached the grand old age of...erm...21!) I'm quickly posting before I head out to dinner with my family for my brother's birthday but I caught up with Kateri on Friday night...

Of course there was a very special guest- Dumbledore was there to enjoy the celebrations. Of course a polar bear would only have one choice of drink- white wine.

There was a very special cake made by Tom's fair hand of a polar bear. Dumbledore didn't seem to mind the thought of cake-cannibalism, as long as he got the chocolate button nose. The cake was rather delicious though.